SAT Tutoring Package
$2000 $999
Learn the most essential strategies and concepts for the SAT with 10 hours one-on-one tutoring by a Princeton grad
Detailed written summary after every session + monthly progress report
Targeted exercises and homework custom-designed for each student
Up to 5 full practice tests with scores
Raise your SAT score more quickly with personalized coaching
Most popular!
SAT Tutoring Package
$3800 $1899
Learn all the concepts and strategies you need to excel on the SAT with 20 hours one-on-one tutoring by an award-winning Princeton grad
Detailed written summary after every session + monthly progress reports
Strengthen weak areas with targeted exercises and homework customized for each student
Up to 10 full practice tests with scores — see your improvement in real time!
The most efficient and effective way to prepare for the SAT
Most students raise their SAT scores by 250+ points
Elite One-on-One
SAT Tutoring Package
$7200 $3599
Personalized support through your entire test-prep journey with 40 hours one-on-one tutoring by a top-1% Princeton grad
Detailed written summary after every session + monthly progress reports
Customized exercises and homework for each student
Up to 20 full practice tests with scores
Best choice for students aiming at Ivy League+ or filling significant knowledge gaps
Take all the time you need to be confident for the test
Most test prep services outsource their actual teaching hours to part-time so-called “expert tutors” who in reality have few real qualifications.
We’re different — all of our test prep coaching is done by Emily, a Princeton graduate, top 1% scorer on both the SAT and ACT, and experienced mentor with over a decade of teaching experience.
Because of this, we work with a very limited number of students. We’re committed to maintaining quality over quantity — and it shows with our impressive student results and perfect five-star client feedback.
Read more about what makes us different here.
Also consider…
SAT Tutoring
$900 $399
Limited time before the test? Make the most of your study with this single 3-hour intensive cram session
Learn the essential strategies and key concepts that will have the most impact on your SAT score
Work one-on-one with a Princeton grad with over a decade of teaching experience
Take a full practice test and get an accurate score prediction
Last minute prep? Sessions take place within 48 hours of checkout
SAT Bootcamp Week
$1800 $899
Raise your SAT scores in just one week of focused study and targeted practice!
Each day, augment 2 hours of one-on-one Ivy-League tutoring with 2–4 hours of personalized practice
Customized written plan for each day + progress report at end of the week
Up to 5 full practice tests with scores — simulate the real test!
Don't waste time with "one-size-fits-all" programs — learn more efficiently with a unique plan focusing on your individual improvement areas
Proctored SAT
& Custom Tutoring Plan
$800 $399
Get Ivy-League support for your self-directed SAT study
Take a full practice test with a live proctor to get an accurate score prediction and discover your true strengths and weaknesses
Receive a detailed study plan based on your specific improvement areas with targeted practice and strategy insights from an experienced Ivy-League test coach
Our students have earned college admissions offers and scholarships from:
Princeton University
Dartmouth College
Williams College
Pomona College
The University of Chicago
New York University
Emory University
The University of Pennsylvania
Cambridge University
Barnard College
Vanderbilt University
Duke University
Oxford University
UC Berkeley
Amherst College
Oberlin College
Vassar College
. . . and other top-tier schools!
What students and families are saying:

Emily works with only a limited number of students at a time.
Unlike other tutoring companies, we never outsource — all tutoring and college essay coaching sessions are only with Emily, an award-winning educator and Princeton graduate. Every session is completely customized to the specific needs of every individual student — leading to more success in fewer hours of study.