It’s common for highly-selective colleges to invite applicants to interview. Students typically begin to receive interview requests a few weeks after the application deadline, but don’t worry if you don’t get contacted about an interview right away — interviews can continue up through February. 

Typically, these interviews are administered by alumni from that college who lives in your area. 

In most cases, the interviewer won’t know anything about you besides your name and your contact information. The interview is like a blank slate — a chance for you to present your narrative and introduce yourself to a totally new audience.

For colleges that do evaluative alumni interviews, the interview report will help the admissions committee to form a more complete picture of you as a candidate. If an AO is trying to build a case for you that you are a certain type of student, they can use comments in the interview report to support their case to the rest of the admissions committee. If your application doesn’t give a clear and consistent picture, an interview report might help to pull everything into focus.

50 Common Questions Asked in College Admissions Interviews

Want detailed advice on how to prepare for college admissions interview? Read more about college interviews here [link], or grab this free guide that I’ve prepared based on what helps my students.

Princeton University

Fortunately, there are no trick questions in college admissions interviews. Alumni interviews are more like a free-flowing conversation that’s designed to explore more about your interests and activities.

That said, it’s helpful to think through some of your answers to common questions ahead of time. Here are some of the most common questions that interviewers might use to prompt stories about your life.

Introducing yourself and your character

  • Tell me about yourself

  • What three words would you use to describe yourself?

  • How would other people in your life describe you? How would your friends describe you?

  • Who are you in your friend group?

  • What do you think goes unnoticed about you?

  • What is your favorite personality trait? What do you like the most about your character?

  • What character traits make you a good fit for the campus culture at _______ college? 

  • What’s important to you?

  • What is your background and your family like? What is your home life like? What do your parents do? (This is so the interviewer can get context for your life, not for the purposes of judging you! Honestly, being FGLI is more likely to help you.)

  • If you had a free day with no academic or work obligations, what would you do?

  • What do you like to do for fun?

  • If you could get paid to do any job that you want, what would it be?

  • What made you smile today?

  • What are you looking forward to the most this week?

Your interest in that college, your prospective major, and your future plans

  • Why _______ college? What classes, programs, and activities on campus are exciting to you?

  • What sparked your interest in _______ college? 

  • If you visited campus already, what was your favorite aspect?

  • How do you feel about moving away from home?

  • Why are you interested in _______ major?

  • What plans do you have for your future? What do you see yourself doing in ten years from now?

  • What problem in the world would you fix and why?

Your academic and extracurricular experiences

  • What is your favorite class in high school? What is your favorite subject?

  • What has been your most challenging class in high school? How did you deal with these challenges?

  • For what class would you not mind having a substitute teacher for the rest of the year?

  • If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?

  • What are some extracurricular activities that you participate in?

  • What are some non-academic extracurriculars that you participate in?

  • Is there something you are so excited about that it keeps you up at night?

  • If you could learn anything, what would you learn? If you could take any class, what would it be?

Stories about communities, conversations, conflict, perseverance, and success

  • What was your most challenging experience?

  • Think about a time that you had a difficult conversation. What was the conversation about, and what did you do? What was the result?

  • Have you ever encountered conflict when working with a group? How did you resolve it?

  • What ethical dilemna have you encountered?

  • What’s your biggest accomplishment? What’s something that you’re proud of?

Other interests and influences on your life

  • Who has encouraged or inspired you?

  • Whom do you most admire?

  • What book or movie has resonated with you? What non-academic book are you currently reading (or read most recently) outside of school?

  • What was the last show you watched? What movie or show would you recommend to everyone?

  • Thank you so much for your counseling! You're the best and I have no words to explain my gratitude. I was accepted to USC, UCLA, UCBerkeley, UCI, and UCSD (all the UC's I applied to). I got waitlisted at Williams College, Bowdoin College, Barnard College, and Emory University. I just wanted to thank you for your guidance and appreciate the time and effort you dedicated to helping me. You were a major help with all my college applications!

    Jacolyn, SAT prep and college essay coaching

  • Emily has provided great instruction and incredible feedback following the sessions. She is so thorough and insightful! Thank you!!!

    Mackenzie, SAT student

  • As a parent, we want to know how well our kids are doing during their tutoring session. I appreciate Emily's thorough synopses of her sessions with my son. She is very attentive, patient, and meets students where they are. She identifies strengths and areas for growths. Thank you so much and I look forward to continuing to work with Emily!

    Pauline, parent of Elijah, ACT student

  • Emily helps me understand difficult subjects by thoroughly explaining how to solve or figure a question out. She is also a very kind and patient tutor.

    Adriana, ACT student

  • Emily is a great tutor! She is extremely knowledgeable and the sessions with her have been extremely helpful!

    Tyler, ACT student

  • Emily is very helpful and guides you on ways to solve problems on your own. She is very helpful and guides you on ways to solve problems on your own. All the feedback is really helpful.

    Sadie, ACT student

  • Emily has not only helped Gloria with her PSAT preparation but has also motivated her to studying more overall.

    Funke, parent of Gloria, PSAT student

  • Zander boosted his SAT math score enough to qualify for admissions! So thank you!

    Danielle, parent of Zander, SAT student

  • Thank you again for your work with Ryan. He was accepted to all the schools he applied and he'll be attending his first choice this fall.

    Janine, parent of Ryan, college essay student

  • Great session! I had a little bit of difficulty on the math portion, but Emily helped me through the steps on remembering the steps on how to solve those problems. She is an outstanding teacher — I felt that she helped me look at things from a different perspective to answer questions.

    Tyler, ACT student

  • I read the detailed session recap and it sounds like my son is off to a great start! I am so thankful to have found you! I feel confident about his next test. He said he learned a lot today. Thanks so much. :)

    Pauline, parent of Elijah, ACT student

  • Emily helps me understand difficult subjects by thoroughly explaining how to solve or figure a question out. She is also a very kind and patient tutor.

    Adriana, ACT student

  • The session was amazing! I loved working with Emily. She was so helpful in the way I can depict certain things in passages and overall, it was an A+ session. Can't wait to work with her again!

    Brice, SAT student


    Nathalie, SAT student

  • I spoke with Christian after your session with him yesterday. He said that your tutoring has helped him so much in such a short period of time, and how to figure out these questions. I can’t thank you enough and look forward to having you teach him for the May SAT. My son seems to enjoy your style of teaching and how he is absorbing the material. You truly have a gift and I’m glad we have an opportunity to work with you.

    Danielle, parent of Christian, SAT prep

  • Emily has been a great SAT tutor and helped me grow! Thank you so much!

    Sarah, SAT student

  • All I can say is you went above my expectations to say the least!

    Danielle, parent of Christian, SAT prep

  • Thank you so much! Your snapshot allowed us to engage some of the concepts he learned and he feels much more confident in math. Love the progress!

    Pauline, parent of Elijah, ACT prep